
Entity Definition

Logical Name : StoreSafeSettlementTenderDetail

A SAFE-level accumulation of tender in and outflows for a safe settlement period along with opening, closing and variance values. A safe settlement period is bounded by two consecutive StoreSafeSettlementTransactions.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) StoreSafeSettlementDocument(LE_HST_STR_SF)
SafeID (FK)(PK) The unique identifier for the TENDER RESPOSITORY. ID_RPSTY_TND Identity integer StoreSafeSettlementDocument(LE_HST_STR_SF)
TenderTypeCode (FK)(PK) A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender, ie cash, check, credit card, etc. Sample Values: CASH - currency CREDIT - credit card DEBIT - debit card CUST_ACCT - customer credit account with retailer EBT - electronic benefits transfer CHEQUE - personal or business cheque STORED_VALUE - gift cert. or gift card COUPON - mfg coupon VOUCHER - retailer issued debit (e.g. coinstar voucher) SEND_CHECK - paid out/refund via acct pay. TRADEIN - trade in kind/trade in debit OTHER - other debit offset tender type TY_TND Code varchar(20) Tender(AS_TND)
OpenBalanceAmount The opening tender balance in the SAFE for a till settlement period which is the time period bounded by two SAFE settlement transactions. MO_OPN_BLNC_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
OpenMediaUnitQuantity The opening number of discrete tender media (e.g. currency bills, coins, credit/debit card signed slips, etc.) in the SAFE for a safel settlement period which is the time period bounded by two SAFE settlement transactions. QU_OPN_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
CloseBalanceAmount The closing tender balance in the SAFE for a safe settlement period which is the time period bounded by two SAFE settlement transactions. The closing balance represents the system's total. MO_CL_BLNC_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
CloseMediaUnitQuantity The closing number of discrete tender media (e.g. currency bills, coins, credit/debit card signed slips, etc.) in the SAFE for a safe settlement period which is the time period bounded by two SAFE tender settlement transactions. QU_CL_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
CountedBalanceAmount The counted tender balance in the SAFE for a safe settlement period which is the time period bounded by two SAFE tender settlement transactions. The counted balance represents the manually counted amount that is compared to the closing balance to determine over/under variance in tender at the end of a safe settlement period. MO_CNT_BLNC_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
CountedMediaUnitQuantity The counted number of discrete tender media (e.g. currency bills, coins, credit/debit card signed slips, etc.) in the SAFE for a safe settlement period which is the time period bounded by two SAFE tender settlement transactions. QU_CNT_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
OverUnderBalanceAmount The variance between closing balance amount and counted balance amount at the end of a safe settlement period calculated by subtracting the CountedBalanceAmount from the CloseBalanceAmount A POSITIVE variance means that there is an under variance where the CLOSE balance is higher than the COUNTED balance. A NEGATIVE variance means there is an over variance where the CLOSE balance is less than the COUNTED balance (extra tender) MO_OVR_UND_BLNC_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
OverUnderMediaUnitQuantity The variance between closing media unit quantity and counted media unit quantity at the end of a safe settlement period calculated by subtracting the CountedMediaUnitQuantity from the CloseMediaUnitQuantity. A POSITIVE variance means that there is an under variance where the CLOSE media unit quantity is higher than the COUNTED media unit quantity A NEGATIVE variance means there is an over variance where the CLOSE media unit quantity is less than the COUNTED media unit quantity (extra tender) QU_OVR_UND_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
PickupFromTillAmount The sum of tender amount picked up from tills and received into this SAFE during the safe settlement period. MO_PKP_FM_TL_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
PickupFromTillMediaUnitQuantity The sum of tender media unit counts picked up from tills and received into this SAFE during the safe settlement period. QU_PKUP_FM_TL_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
LoanToTillAmount The sum of tender amounts loaned to tills from this SAFE during the safe settlement period. MO_LON_TO_TL_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
LoanToTillMediaUnitQuantity The sum of tender media unit counts loaned to tills from this SAFE during the safe settlement period. QU_LON_TO_TL_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
DepositToTenderDespositoryAmount The summed tender amount deposited to an external tender depository (bank) during the safe settlement period. MO_DS_TO_TND_DSY_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
DepositToTenderDepositoryMediaUnitQuantity The summed tender unit quantity deposited to an external tender depository (bank) during the safe settlement period. QU_DS_TO_TND_DSY_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
ReceiptFromTenderDepositoryAmount The sum of the tender amount received from an external depository (through one or more withdrawals) during a SAFE settlement period. This represents money withdrawn from a bank to maintain sufficient onhand cash in a store to make change and pay cash to vendors. MO_RCT_FRM_TND_DSY_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
ReceiptFromTenderDepositoryMediaUnitQuantity The total tender media unit count brought IN to a SAFE for a safe settlement period. QU_RCT_FRM_TND_DSY_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
DisbursementAmount Total tender disbursements made from this SAFE during the safe settlement period. Note ARTS allows retailers to capture disbursements made at the till level (through the POS) or at the safe level (through the back office system). Retailers may use procedural logic to limit how disbursements are handled. MO_DSB_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
DisbursementMediaUnitQuantity Total tender disbursement media units made from this SAFE during the safe settlement period. Note ARTS allows retailers to capture disbursements made at the till level (through the POS) or at the safe level (through the back office system). Retailers may use procedural logic to limit how disbursements are handled. QU_DSB_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer
FundsReceiptAmount Summed tender amount received from non retail transaction and non-till pickups during a safe settlement period. This receipt is a misc. inflow of tender that is not related to a retail transaction or a till pick up or bank. MO_FND_RCPT_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
FundsReceiptMediaUnitQuantity Summed tender media unit quantityt received from non retail transaction and non-till pickups during a safe settlement period. QU_FND_RCPT_UN_QTY QuantityInteger integer
SafeTransferAmount The sum of tender amount transferred between store safes during a safet settlement period. This value is one safe's portion of the transfer summary. MO_SF_TSF_AMT Money decimal(16,5)
SafeTransferMediaUnitQuantity The sum of tender amount transferred between store safes during a safet settlement period. This value is one safe's portion of the transfer summary. QU_SF_TSF_MD_UN QuantityInteger integer


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
StoreSafeSettlementDocument is composed of StoreSafeSettlementTenderDetail
Tender classifies StoreSafeSettlementTenderDetail

Logical Views containing StoreSafeSettlementTenderDetail

Logical View
Logical 02400 - Control Transaction Macro View
Logical 02520 - Tender Control Transaction - Settlement View
Logical 03100 - Reporting - Store Operations - Macro View
Logical 03110 - Reporting - Store Operations - Tender Settlement
Logical 03160 - Reporting - Store Operations - Till View